Research interests
Socioeconomic disparities (in health), population health, the interplay between work and life.
Project involvement
- Project member of “ERC CAPABLE: Enhancing Capabilities? Rethinking Work-life Policies and their Impact from a New Perspective” (2020-2023)
- Project member of “#VulnYouth: Boys don’t cry. Studying intersectional vulnerability of the precarious youth in Spain” (2022-2023)
- Project member of “Social and Economic Determinants of Mental and Cognitive Health” (2015-2020)
- Project member of “Social and Economic Determinants of Hospital Use, Morbidity, and Mortality over the Life Course” (2015-2020)
- Project member of “Assessment of Methods in Population Health” (2015-2019)
- Project member of “The Role of Health Behaviors in Social Differentials in Mortality” (2015-2019)
- Project member of “Social Protection, Work and Family Strain: Cumulative Disadvantage Effects in the US and Europe” (2011-2015)
- Project member of “Demetriq – Developing Methodologies to Reduce Inequalities in the Determinants of Health” (2012-2015)
Datasets experience
- Demetriq – data collected in the project ‘Developing Methodologies to Reduce Inequalities in the Determinants of Health’
- EKSY – Random sample of the longitudinal population data file of Statistics Finland
- ERFI – Étude des Relations Familiales et Intergénerationnelles
- EU-SILC – European Union – Statistics on Income and Living Conditions
- Eurothine – data collected in the project ‘Tackling Health Inequalities in Europe’
- Euro-GBD-SE – data collected in the project ‘The potential for reduction of health inequalities in Europe’
- GLOBE – Gezondheid en Levens Omstandigheden Bevolking Eindhoven en Omstreken (a prospective cohort study in the Netherlands) linked to 23 years of mortality data from Statistics Netherlands
- HRS – Health and Retirement Study
- IHIS – Integrated Health Interview Survey (NHIS data harmonized by IPUMS)
- LISS – Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences)
- NHIS – US National Health Interview Survey
- SHARE – Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe (including the retrospective data)
Peer reviewer for journals (listed alphabetically)
American Journal of Public Health; Community, Work & Family, Demography; European Journal of Aging; European Journal of Public Health; Genus: Journal of Population Sciences; International Journal of Epidemiology; PLoS ONE; Public Health